Sunday, November 30, 2014

If We Ask in Faith

From Jamie Kloepfer
Teaching in Florida, USA

Serving a mission is truly life changing! And the greatest part of it all is to see others being changed through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I couldn't ask for anything more:)! During this Thanksgiving season I want to especially show gratitude for a loving Savior who so willingly gave His life as a ransom for us. Serving a mission has brought about many opportunities for growth which I am certainly grateful for as well. I have never experienced something so exciting yet heartbreaking, joyous yet challenging. Though throughout it all I would not change this experience I am now having for anything! 

There was a day this last week towards the end of the evening where all of our appointments fell through. We were trying to decide quickly where we needed to be. Being somewhat new to the area I'm currently serving in, I was trying to think of any less active members that were near us. I had the thought to try and go see a family named the Armstrongs. We drove over to the street they lived on, and we parked the car to where I thought they lived. We got out of the car and approached the door and right as I knocked I looked at my companion and said "this isn't their house!" I felt somewhat embarrassed when a man opened the door and I actually started to laugh. I then said we are missionaries and we share a message about our Savior Jesus Christ. We talked briefly how families are very important. The man at the door completely agreed  with what we were saying and had us look into his house where his whole family was quietly sitting at the dinner table eating. He invited us to come in and before I knew it the little boy was running up to me with all of his batman toy figures wanting me to play with him. The family was very sweet and they all came over to the living room to hear us share with them the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. I walked out of that appointment wondering if that actually happened:) it was absolutely incredible!  We had a church tour this last weekend and they came and asked many questions. Although the family is currently needing time right now to study about the Book of Mormon and know for themselves if this is true (Moroni 10:3-5) there is no doubt that God lead us to the wrong door that night to find the right people searching for truth. I know with all my heart that these people will find an answer to their sincere prayers.

 I know that our Heavenly Father answers all prayers if we ask in faith. I love this Gospel! It is indeed true and all of Gods children can come to know of it for themselves as well. I wish yall a Happy Thanksgiving this week! Remember to count your blessings:)

Love Sister Kloepfer 
Hoorah for Israel:) 

Thursday, November 13, 2014

She Has So Much Happiness Now!

From Karsten Hinckley
Teaching in Thailand

This past week was really great! [I learned] that we need to be bold in our teaching, but not over bearing. Christ was bold, but He surely backed everything up with happiness. I know that I need to watch what I do and say every day in lessons, talking to members or just inviting. I need to take a step back and ask myself, “What would Christ ask this person or tell this person?”  I know I will try and be more Christ-like this week.

We met this girl about a month ago and she had some commandment problems, but we did not stress out about that. We supported this sister every day. We continued to teach and care. One month late, she got baptized. [The baptism was] this past Saturday and on Sunday she got the Holy Ghost. Her name is Nam. She has so much happiness now! From the first time we met to now you can see how this gospel has changed her and brought so much happiness into her life. I am so happy for this sister and her willingness to change and follow the Savior! I will strive myself to follow the Savior and help others know what He has in store for them. A goal this week I made was to invite all the homeless and needy who are begging for money to come to church. I think of Amos 3:6 I believe it is where it says, gold and silver have I none but what I have I will give thee. I know this is something that Christ would do and I know it is what one of the Apostles did. So I am going to try and do it every day. I challenge you all to try it yourself it if is possible.

Monday, November 10, 2014

God's Love is Always There

From Trent Winn
Teaching in Michigan, USA

I  thought I would share a little message and testimony. I have experienced trial after trial out here on my mission, and one thing that brings me a lot of comfort is the scripture Doctrine and Covenants 58: 2-4.

2 For verily I say unto you, blessed is he that keepeth my commandments, whether in life or in death; and he that is faithful in tribulation, the reward of the same is greater in the kingdom of heaven.

 3 Ye cannot behold with your natural eyes, for the present time, the design of your God concerning those things which shall come hereafter, and the glory which shall follow after much tribulation.

 4 For after much tribulation come the blessings. Wherefore the day cometh that ye shall be crowned with much glory; the hour is not yet, but is nigh at hand.

I just want to say to anyone who is experiencing trials of any kind that God’s love is always there. He never leaves you. He knows what you are going through and He allows trials to come into our lives for our benefit and after much tribulation comes the blessings. I have found that the trials that I have gone through help build my character and strength and help me be more Christ-like. I like to think of it as a star. Stars and diamonds are born under immense pressure. The same thing can happen with us. We become like diamonds and our light shines more about us as we experience immense pressures and trials. We should never give up and never stop believing. I know that there is a God of love and that Jesus is the Christ, and that one day we can inherit all that He has. That is my prayer and testimony in His sacred name, Jesus Christ, amen.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

And Then The Student Became The Teacher

From Karsten Hinckley
Teaching in Thailand

This past week we have gotten to meet with Sister Booy (who was recently baptized) and teach her all the lessons over again. She lost her phone so we have no way to contact her. The other day, we went to buy some food for fast Sunday and she called us and said she was at the church. We hadn’t set up an appointment with her, so we were just a little confused. We went to the church and found her there. A member who lives across the street from the church saw her and let her use her phone to call us. We had decided to have a lesson about some of the commandments but right before we were about to teach her, we thought that watching Finding Faith in Christ was better.

We got that all set up, and then the member who lives across the street had a non member friend walk into the church! So then we decided to have Sister Booy help us teach this lady. The lady was just going on and on about how her kids are bad and how she has the dogs that bark all the time. If you ask me, the dogs sound like a personal problem. Haha. Anyways, we taught her and she is now a new investigator. A funny string of events; It all led to something good though. 

This past week I also started the Book of Mormon over again. I read everything up until the end of 1 Nephi. You can learn soooo much just from reading that. If you haven’t had the chance to do so in a while, I suggest that you take some time and read it. You will learn so much from it, I promise you. If you haven’t read the Book of Mormon yet, I encourage you to do so. It will help you to have more happiness in your life, I promise. 

If you would like to watch the video that Karsten wrote about, just click on the link below.